Etusivu›Foorumit›Kilpagolf & harjoittelu›Lantion pyöriminen / liukuminen›Re: Lantion pyöriminen / liukuminen
sotanorsu kirjoitti: (20.3.2012 22:41:25)
greeninone kirjoitti: (20.3.2012 15:57:44)
Ja downswingissä pieni liike lantiosta eteen ei varmaan haittaa jos se osaa vaan ajoittaa aina samalla tavalla. Tietenkin taas yksi liikkuva osa swingiin lisää, josta ei mitään hyötyä ole että että … niin se on jokaisen henkilökohtainen valinta.Ja varmaankin rotaatio olisi käsitteenä parempi kuin kääntyminen tai pyöriminen.
-Tuleva DI
Mielestäsi kaikki lantion liike sivuttain on ylimääräistä liikettä, jota ei svingissä tarvita? Omasta mielestäni downsvingi on välttämätöntä aloittaa lantion sivuttaisliikkeellä (pienellä tosin), jotta palloa pystyy kunnolla lyömään.
Ihan mielenkiinnosta haluan nähdä pelaajan, joka ei lantiolla eteenpäin liiku. Eli onko heittää esimerkkejä?
Omaa näkemystäni saavat edustaa Ben Hogan ja Hunter Mahan:
Hieman paluuta menneisyyteen eli Erheellisiä käsityksiä golfswingistä ketjun kohdassa 6. (Turn the hips to the left) tuota kyseenalaistettiin runsaat 40- vuotta sitten ’pitkän kaavan’ mukaan seuraavasti:
The New Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf Chapter 6 – Starting Down
The Magic Moves
So what are the right moves, the magic moves? They are, simply:
(1) Move the hips laterally to the left while;
(2) keeping the head back; and
(3) making no effort whatever to move the club.
We cannot emphasize too strongly that the movement of the hips must be lateral and not a turning motion. When the hips are moved laterally to the left from the top of the swing, they carry the weight (which has been mostly on the right leg) along. They move it toward the approximately equal distribution, at least, which we must have at impact.
That is the first reason we must move the hips laterally.
The second reason is that, since we are twisted and wound up tightly at the top, any turning movement of our hips turns our shoulders too.
It turns our right shoulder around high and toward the ball. Hence, when we bring the club down, we have to bring it from the outside in.
The hips will turn if they are moved laterally, but they are very liable not to move laterally if they are merely turned. You can prove this to yourself by standing up and moving your hips to the left as far as they will go. As they near the limit of extension, they will turn and you cannot stop them.
At thetop of the swing, of course, the hips are turned somewhat to the right, maybe 45 degrees, and as you move them laterally they will quickly begin to turn back to the left.
The trick is to get them going to the left, laterally, before they turn too much. If you ask how much is too much, you become hopelessly involved. You might as well ask how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. You don’t have to worry about that. Just be sure you get, the hips going laterally and that you don’t try to turn them.
A third reason for the lateral slide of the hips is that this is the movement which starts the club
down toward the ball, by causing the shoulders to rock slightly as they turn. That movement of the hips – and nothing else – provides the first impetus for the downswing.
It might help you to visualize this action if you think of the spine as being the axis of the swing.
Now think of the axis as being a T-square, with the shank as the spine and the crosspiece the
shoulders. The end of the shank reaches down to the pelvis or hips. As we address the ball this T-square is, for purposes of the comparison, vertical. On the backswing the hips move slightly to the right, causing the crosspiece to tilt slightly to the left, as it turns, of course, with the turning shoulders. On the downswing (and here is the critical point), the low end of the shank (the hips) is moved sharply to the left. This causes an immediate and definite tilting of the crosspiece to the right – and that is what starts the shoulders, arms, and club moving down toward the ball. This will be true so long as the whole swinging system is twisted tight, so that a movement against the twist in any one part moves all the other parts.
Make no mistake about it, the hips are what move the shoulders and club and start the downswing.
No tätä näitä neljää (siis lainaus transitio- vaiheesta yllä vain yhtenä osana) ’maagista moovia’ hemmot käsittelivät kirjallisessa julkaisussaan satakunta sivua lisää.
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