23.4.–30.4. - Live Scoring - Seuraa suomalaisten menestystä


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#279057 Ilmoita asiaton viesti

PG kirjoitti: (4.8.2012 10:11:51)

Mielestäni säännön 22 kohta ’Lyöntipelissä pelaaja, jota on vaadittu nostamaan pallonsa, saa mieluummin pelata ensin sen sijaan, että nostaisi pallonsa’, antaa B:lle oikeuden pelata ennen A:ta. Esim. A: ”Pallosi haittaa minua. Nosta se!”

Minusta tämä menee näin.

Dec 10-2b/1.

If B had not lifted his ball at the time the objection was lodged, the answer depends on whether A would require B to lift his ball under Rule 22 (Ball Assisting or Interfering with Play) before he (A) putts. If so, the Committee should rule that B is entitled to play out of turn, provided he does so without first lifting his ball, i.e. Rule 22-2 permits a competitor in stroke play who is required to lift his ball because of interference to “play first rather than lift”.