30.4.–7.5. - Live Scoring - Seuraa suomalaisten menestystä


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#295495 Ilmoita asiaton viesti

Rule 19. Ball in Motion Deflected or Stopped

19-2 By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment

a. Match Play If a player’s ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by himself, his partner or either of their caddies or equipment, he loses the hole.

b. Stroke Play If a competitor’s ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by himself, his partner or either of their caddies or equipment, the competitor incurs a penalty of two strokes. The ball must be played as it lies, except when it comes to rest in or on the competitor’s, his partner’s or either of their caddies’ clothes or equipment, in which case the competitor must through the green or in a hazard drop the ball, or on the putting green place the ball, as near as possible to where the article was when the ball came to rest in or on it.

(Through the Green: ’Through the green’ is the whole area of the course except:
a. The teeing ground and putting green of the hole being played; and
b. All hazards on the course.)