Aihe: TM 580 ja 860 erot -

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TM 580 ja 860 erot

Etusivu Foorumit Yleistä TM 580 ja 860 erot

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    Onko tietoa / kokemusta TM R580R ja R860 eroista. Onko R860 parannettu versio xr-3:sta? Jompikumpi maila olisi tarkoitus ostaa ja näin talvella testaaminen aika hankalaa. Aiemmin XR-3 toiminut aika hyvin.

    Tässä lienee paranneltu xr-03.

    860:sestä on tässä vaiheessa aika vähän käytännön tietoa. 580:n ja XR-03:n eroavat mielestäni seuraavasti:

    XR-03 on hiukan pidempi

    R580:ssä on matalampi lentokaari

    XR-03 on anteeksiantavampi ja siis R580:llä on helpompi työstää lentorataa.

    Kaikki nämä lavat ovat hyvin samantyyppisiä ja huomattavasti suurempi merkitys on sillä, minkä varren näihin lapoihin hankkii. Sama lapa on täysin erilainen pelata erilaisilla varsilla.

    Ohessa yksi mielipide marraskuulta Burner 420:sestä (COR alle 0,83), joka siis on 860:n jenkkiversio:

    Demo’d the TM Burner 420 today, 8.5 degree. Whoa!!

    What a club. When comparing it to the R580, very different look and feel. The Burner has an extremely deep face, more so that tne R580. Narrow width, with a deep face. In fact, the R580 has the appearance of a bigger clubhead than the Burner 420… amazing.

    Feel: the Burner actually felt lighter than the R580. It’s a tad difficult to quantify, but it felt like a lighter driver when you swing it, as compared to the R580. On contact, the sounds are completely different as well. More of a clink, than a thwack. The Burner just launches the ball out there. Not that the R580 doesn’t do that as welll… it’s just that both have a different feel to them. The head on the Burner feels lighter than that of the R580. Maybe something to do witih the weight port. Who knows??

    Distance: Overall distance is very comparable. I wouldn’t say that one outshines the other. Rather amazing that TM released the Burner considering that it’s right there with the R580. Definitely an improvement over the 300 series… but doesn’t make me rush out to sell my R580 for it. The 8.5 hits the ball similarly to a 9.5 deg 320. Mishits didn’t stray too far off-line, although you put bad swings on it, and you will get bad results. Garbage in = garbage out.

    Appearance: The Burner appears to have a more closed clubface than the R580. I was a bit surpised by this, but comparing them both side by side gave me that conclusion. The Burner is somewhat of a metallic light grey, while the R580 is a deep metallic black. The graphics on the stock Burner shaft were kind of amusing, with a little flame on the shaft. A little stupid looking, but to be honest, as address, fortunately it’s on the backside.

    Forgiveness: Definitely a forgiving driver. Only problem is that it’s a really light driver as well. I really had to fight the urge to let’er rip… which always gave me bad results. I found it easier to put a smoother swing on the R580 than with the Burner. If you get too handsy (which I had a tendency to do when I really tried to kill it) you will hook it. I can vouch for that.

    Accuracy: I wasn’t able to play with it, but most drives at the range were fairly on line.

    All in all, I would say that Taylor Made has produced a very competent driver. Those of us who didn’t/don’t want to spend the money on the 500 series should definitely look at the Burner. I actually expect 500 sales to go down a bit. I wouldn’t trade my R580 in for it, but if I was still playing my 320, I’d probably pull the trigger on it. Like I said, it has an extremely deep face… and I thought the R580 was deep….

    This is an update to my previous review…

    After going to the range and demo’ing this club a few more times, my impressions of this club are starting to fade. Initially, I was very impressed with it, but the light overall weight of the club is actually a draw back, not an enhancement.

    I have since switched to a YS-7 in my R580, and can tell the noticeable difference between a slightly heavier shaft when compared to the light weight of the 420. I tend to fight an over-the-top move with a lighter weight club.

    Forgiveness is still there, but the sound of the club at impact puts me off somewhat. I prefer the muted sound of the 580 over the 420. But that’s just me…

    Can’t wait to get my hands on a 300 Tour when availability is great in a few months…

    Tiedä eroista sen enempää kun ei ole kokeillut kuin toista (580).

    Mutta voisi todeta, että 580:llä – aivan kuten Hörhökin totesi – pelimies pystyy muovailemaan lyöntejään ja Burner 860 lienee enemmänkin klubituupparille tarkoitettu tykki, jolla pallon saa turvallisesti taipaleelle. Siis pitkälti sama idea kuin XR-03:ssa.

    On muuten pirullisen ovelaa tuo TM:n markkinointistrategia tuoda markkinoille uusia draiverimalleja muutaman kuukauden välein; tämä Burner 860:kin on selvästi (monen muun koukun ohella) tuote, jolla pyritään saamaan ostoksille meidät, jotka jostain 90-luvun puolivälistä saakka olemme paukutelleet avauksiamme edellisillä Burner-malleilla.

    Itse tosin ehdin hankkia TM 320:sen (ilman ärrää), johon olen hyvin tyytyväinen, ja jolla varmasti pelaan vielä pitkään.

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Vastaa aiheeseen: TM 580 ja 860 erot

Etusivu Foorumit Yleistä TM 580 ja 860 erot