Aihe: The open 06 -

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The open 06

Etusivu Foorumit Kilpagolf & harjoittelu The open 06

Esillä 3 viestiä, 76 - 78 (kaikkiaan 78)
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    Hienoa peliä pelaa Tigru kyllä juu.

    Enää 7 Majoria voitettavana niin pääsee Nicklauksen lukuun siinä. Mutta vain voitoissa.

    Tuossa ovat JN:n majortilastot

    Summary of major championship performances :

    Starts – 163
    Wins – 18
    2nd place finishes – 19
    Top 3 finishes – 46
    Top 5 finishes – 57
    Top 10 finishes – 73

    57 kertaa ukko ollut viiden parhaan joukossa. Kun vuodessa pelataan 4 kisaa, tarkoittaa tuo myös kohtalaisen pitkää periodia huipulla.

    Tämmöiseen mielenkiintoiseen muutaman vuotta vanhaan analyysiin Nicklauksesta ja Woodsista törmäsin: Golf Digest, 2002
    Lainaus sieltä:
    Rating the competition: Because Woods will be forced to beat more players capable of winning majors than Nicklaus did, longevity will be more difficult to achieve for him. ’Especially in the ’60s, you’d see a lot of majors where at the end there would be only five or six guys within 10 strokes,’ says Rodgers. ’Maybe three or four guys would have a chance to win on the weekend. Today at a major, you see 20 guys finish within 10 strokes. One of the reasons Jack was able to finish second and third so often is he didn’t have to contend with that kind of depth.’

    Much has been made over the assertion that Nicklaus faced a more accomplished and tougher group of players at the very top of the game than Tiger does. The trio that put together the most major victories against Nicklaus in his first six years — Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and Billy Casper — won six in that period. But Ernie Els, Mark O’Meara and Vijay Singh got the same number in the same time against Woods.

    Meanwhile, the increased popularity of golf worldwide — directly attributable to Woods — is drawing better and better athletes to the game. As Woods has often said while watching youngsters at his clinics, ’Out there, right now, are kids that are going to be better than me. They’re coming fast.’

    Tikru halusi ehdottomasti state of the art punttisalin käyttöönsä Ouppenin ajaksi ja jalkapalloilija Michael Owen vuoratessaan linnansa sellaisen tarjosikin.

    Mitä Tiger Woods treenasi kisojen alla ja aikana salilla ?

Esillä 3 viestiä, 76 - 78 (kaikkiaan 78)
Vastaa aiheeseen: Vastaus #249552 kohteessaThe open 06

Etusivu Foorumit Kilpagolf & harjoittelu The open 06