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Parnevik Wilsonille

Etusivu Foorumit Yleistä Parnevik Wilsonille

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  • Parnevik siirtyy Callyltä Wilsonille. Jesperille tulee Deep Red II raudat, True pallo, hanska ja bägi. Muista välineistä ei ole tietoa. Saa nähdä, mitkä Wilsonin raudat todellisuudessa bägiin ilmestyy :) On huhuttu, että tässäkin olisi vaihtokauppa, eli Harrington siirtyisi Callylle. Harringtonhan käyttää jo nyt Callyn putteria ja palloa.

    Kiinnostaisi muuten tietää, millä raudoilla Parnevik todellisuudessa pelasi Callyllä ollessaan. Tuskin kai mainituilla Big Berthoilla jotka on kai tarkoitettu varakkaille Clubipelaajille mahd. helpoiksi välineiksi.

    Onko sulla Hörhö parempaa tietoa asiasta?

    Veikkaisin että bägistä tulee löytymään RM:t mutta ihan muilla kuin Fat Shaft läskivarsilla.

    Mistä Hörhö lueskelee näitä välineisiin liittyviä uutisia? Olisi kiva lueskella itsekin noita sivustoja.

    Nyt ei ole korvien välisellä kovalevyllä tarkkaa tietoa, mutta eiköhän X-14 voisi olla melko lähellä ja ProSeries versiona. Voihan olla, että X-16 on nyt ollut tänä vuonna. En millään jaksa uskoa, että Jesper olisi pelannut BB raudoilla, sillä niissä lavan pohja on melkein yhtä suuri kuin puumailoissa 🙂 Ei pelimies pysty sellaisilla työstämään palloa tarpeeksi.

    Jesperhän on ollut ’poissa kuvioista’ jonkun aikaa ja tekee nyt uutta tulemista. Toivottavasti onnistuu ’Amerin’ välineillä.

    Wilsonilta tulee uusi RM-setti. Ilman fat shaft- varsia, luojam kiitos! tosin,ei nykyisetkään ole fat shaft kuin nimeltään vain, vastaavat muiden mailamerkkien rautasarjoja.

    Jesper on pelannut jokseenkin oudoilla mailoilla. Hänellä on ollut käytössä Callaway:n x12 raudat Royal Precision 7.0 high-kick rifle varsilla. Lofit on 2 astetta normaalia ’heikommat’. PW on väännetty 51 asteiseksi. Lisäksi bagistä löytyy 55 asteinen x14 ja 60 asteinen Cleveland 588 Tour Action LW.

    Driverina on Great Big Bertha II Pro series Ti ilmeisesti 8 asteisena.

    Väyläpuut ovat Steelhead plus 3 (13 astetta) ja steelhead 5 (17 astetta). Molemmat RCH Silver 1.1 grafiitti varsilla.

    Nämä tiedot ovat melkoisen vanhoja, joten ainakin varsien ja loftien osalta on jotain voinut muuttua. Muut tiedot käsittääkseni pitävät paikkansa.

    Jesper pelaa Deep red tour raudoilla jotka lanseerataan Orlandon golf-messuilla Tammikuun lopussa.

    Minä uskon ainakin että Jesper käytti jonkun aikaa BB rautoja callawaylla pelatessaan, käyttihän niitä myös Colin ja pari muuta callaway/ex-callaway miestä.

    Se maila on ihan erilainen ’läski’ -lapa maila sillä siinä on tosi hyvä fiilis palloon kuten blade mailoissa.

    Tsemppiä vaan Jesperille ja uusi nousu alkakoon niin saadaan myös ’suomalainen’ golf-maila merkki tunnetuksi…

    Hörhö epäili, että Parnevik olisi saattanut jo pelata Callyn X-16 raudoilla. Tuo uusi malli näyttää olevan kohtuullisen edullinen ihan tavallisellekin golffarille. Usassa hinnat ovat alkaen 699 $. Onko jollain jo kokemusta X-16 tai mistä muualta kuin Callawayn sivuilta voisi lukea testejä kyseisistä mailoista ? Hörhö varmaan tietää tämänkin..

    Myös Nick Faldo on vihdoin tehnyt mailasopimuksen Nike-Golfin kanssa

    Callyn X-16 ei paljon poikkea X-14-raudoista. Cavityn reunoille on lisätty vähän materiaalia ’tasapainottamaan’ mailaa…

    Hintaa tulee olemaan 999e teräsvarsille ja 1199e graffarille per 8 mailaa, Pro Series samanhintanen, mikä on aika paljon edistystä X-14 Pron riistohintaan…

    Muutamia kommentteja ko. mailasta:


    comparing the X14 and the X16, I would say that the difference is not worth it. I currently play the X14 PS and have hit the regular X14 for about 10 rounds, so I know those clubs as well. To be perfectly honest, I’m not all that enamoured with my set of clubs. I just play the X14 PS because they do most of the things I need in an iron. I’m not gung ho on Callaway, or am a Callaway freak, so my opinions are strictly objective.

    This is JMO, but the differences and playability between the X14 and X16 are very slight at best. Not much difference between them or both pro series for that matter. I know Josh feels the X16 PS are far superior to the X-14 PS, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between my set and a set of X16 PS hit side by side, about 900-1000 balls worth over the course of 3 days at the range.

    Ballflights, feel, forgiveness, etc. etc. were pretty much the same. Playability is the same. You can work both sets of clubs, but they’re obviously a touch harder to work vs. blades. Everybody keeps on talking about the better appearance of the X16 vs. the X14. Frankly, at address, I couldn’t tell them apart at all. The topline on the X16 is a touch thinner, that’s about it. In fact, if you put covers over the backs of both sets, and mixed them up, then gave them to me to look at, at address, I couldn’t be able to tell you which one would be the X14 or the X16. And the notch in the X16? Not that big a deal to me. Doesnt’ do anything in terms of feel or ballflight. I mean, it’s not like you hit the X16, and say,’ Boy, that notch really is awesome’. I don’t mean to discredit Josh and his reviews of the X16’s. I really like his reviews of golf clubs and read them with great interest. He seems to get everything so early, so it’s fun reading his take on equipment that the rest of us are only dreaming about.

    Again, this is JMHO. Both the X14 and the X16 are excellent clubs. Not for everyone, but one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. But it just seems to me, that Callaway didn’t need to come out with the X16. Not that much ’better’ or different than the X14. I think they could’ve hit the jackpot with a set of mixed blades/cb’s, ala the Nike Pro Combo, then that would’ve opened the door for them to produce their first set of full blades, even if they were cast blades. Don’t you guys think that would’ve diversified their line of irons better vs. the X14/X16?? Even though they are supposedly dropping the X14?Then again, Cally comes out with clubs so fast, I guess it doesn’t matter much in the whole big picture.

    So let’s hear it. Let me have it. I’ve got thick skin. Let’s hear your comments on the X16. Rake me over the coals if you will…..


    I had a chance today to demo the X-16’s, standard version. Overcast day and was hitting off mats, but here goes anyway…

    First thing that I noticed was these sticks have some weight to them. The heads are pretty heavy, and pretty chunky as well. Nice solid sticks though, and they scream ’FORGIVENESS.’

    Looks at address are definitely Callaway. Thick topline with the face of the club basically framing the golf ball. If you miss with these, your swing is OFF…. period.

    I always digged the notched sole and to see them in person is actually pretty cool. They really inspire confidence that the ball is going to get up and go.

    With the weight of the club, swinging on-plane is an afterthought. These sticks can swing themselves.

    I would say that these are the easiest clubs to swing that I’ve ever tried. Even easier than my 300 forged, although that’s comparing apples to oranges so to speak.

    The setup was with the constant weight steel shaft… which by no means feel like my 6.0 TFR’s that I use in my 300 forged, but they still produce good shots nonetheless.

    The trajectory is high…. but not balloning. The ball basically gets there and in a hurry. I was able to hit the 5-iron about 200 yards… which is something considering there’s ZERO roll and they were range balls. Probably due to slightly stronger lofts… but I didn’t mind.

    The forgiveness really stands out. Very easy to draw these sticks. My bad swings produced somewhat rather ugly slices… but fades are definitely possible. Easy swings produced straight shots. Having been fitted with 2 deg. upright, +1/2′ length 300 forged, when I demo standard sticks, if the ball goes straight and right, everthing is working okay…. And that’s just what the X-16’s did.

    These are definitely a winner… Yes, if you are used to blades or forged CB’s and want to stick with that type of iron, definitely don’t look here. Turn around and run away fast.

    BUT, if you like forgiveness… forgiveness….. & more forgiveness… proceed without delay to your nearest pro shop and give these sticks a try. You won’t be sorry.

    I would even say that I actually liked them more than the new Ping i3+’s… which I was totally impressed with.


    Verdict: Don’t feel like trading in my entire inventory to get them… but if I was nn the market, I’d have them on order already…


    On a sample of one set the CWR in the X-16 pro series feels (and is) heavier than the CWR in the X-14 pro series and the tour stiff feels stiffer in the long irons than the CWR in the X-14 pro series. I was told this would happen because they in addition to adding weight to the shaft also reduced the variation in flex from the 1 iron to the wedges. In other words the long irons aren’t 5.3 and the short irons 6.3. They tried to come close to 6.0+ (Tour Stiff) for everything (maybe 5.9-6.1—just a guess obviously). As I said it is really only noticeable (other than the weight) in the long irons.


    X-16 pro series—-Feel/Feedback—Another set that has a very soft feel at impact in a cast club (I would say these and the i3+ are the best so far and very comparable to the Maxfli nickel irons–maybe softer, if not some forgings). The most impressive characteristic is the nice click feedback at impact—definitely have never heard this with any callaway club. Trajectory—Lowest of any callaway club ever produced–must be the weight pad extending higher than the X-16s. Distance–With the trajectory very long in the long irons (1/2 club longer than the i3+s at similar lofts and club lengths) and very controllable in the shorter irons. Abillity to Work the ball/Accuracy—First set of callaways I’ve ever had that are equally workable either way and don’t favor one way or the other. If you don’t work at working the ball the accuracy seems to be dead straight with a very slight fade. Are they as easy to work as muscle back forgings, no but very close to some cavity back forgings that were produced last year. The shafts are labeled tour stiff pro series, but do still carry the constant weight rifle designation. These feel night and day better than the X-14 pro series OEM shafts so I am guessing some formulation change along with the head design. The grips are full cord with only callaway at the top butt end and X-16 and pro series on the under side. With these clubs (X-16 pro series and GBB II pro series) I think Callaway has at least pushed their way back into the competition for leadership in innovation and performance and now something that looks good to boot.

    Now for the $64,000 question do I like these better than the i3+ blades?? I don’t know as I don’t have enough time with either. Both are spectacular clubs that span the game improvement/players bridge. At this point I would be hard pressed to comment on any performance flaws in either club. I guess from a cosmetic point neither is going to win any beauty contest for the cavity appearance. The long irons in the Callaway have less offset and therefore a more traditional look. I do like the narrower sole in the callaways also. So stay tuned for more opinions. I have 10 rounds and several hundred balls on the i3+ blades and only 2 rounds and about 80 balls on the X-16 pro series. I do prefer the MB wedges over the Callaway forged wedges–chrome and vintage.

    Kiitos hyvistä leikkeistä. Näyttäisi, ettei X-14 ja X-16 sitten niin kovasti eroaisikaan toisistaan. Ensiarviot X-16:sta ovat yllättävänkin positiivisia. Tiedä sitten. Tsekkailin tuossa eilen jenkkikauppojen sivuja ja näyttävät jotkut pudottaneet X-14 setin hintoja 100 $ eli 599 $ teräsvartisena. Callylta ilmeisesti tullut lupa tähän, ehkä järkevääkin, kun X-16 maksaa vain 699 $

    Uusien välineiden hankinta on mukavaa ja siitä voi saada uutta intoa kentälle. Älkää kuitenkaan viitsikö perustella sitä sillä, että esim. x-16 hankinta perusteltua muusta syystä esim. lyönnin parantamisen takia. Minä ainakin pelaan vuoden -92 Slazengereilla. Niitäpä ei enään saa.

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Vastaa aiheeseen: Parnevik Wilsonille

Etusivu Foorumit Yleistä Parnevik Wilsonille