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7.1.–14.1. - Live Scoring - Seuraa suomalaisten menestystä
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Kilpailua | Suomalaista |
mitä rangaistuksia tulee tapahtumasta jossa pelaaja a chippaa viheriölle ja osuu pelaajaa b selkään, kun pelaaja b on merkkaamassa omaa palloaan viheriöllä?
Tilanne ilmeisesti puhdas vahinko, joten ei rankkuja.
19-3 – By Opponent, Caddie or Equipment in Match Play
If a player’s ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by an opponent, his caddie or his equipment, there is no penalty.
Edes lyöntipelissä ei rangaistuksia tule.
Rub of the Green
A “rub of the green’’ occurs when a ball in motion is accidentally
deflected or stopped by any outside agency (see Rule 19-1).
In stroke play, an outside agency is any agency other than the
competitor’s side, any caddie of the side, any ball played by the side at
the hole being played or any equipment of the side.
19-1. By Outside Agency
If a player’s ball in motion is accidentally deflected or stopped by any
outside agency, it is a rub of the green, there is no penalty and the ball
must be played as it lies,
Reikäpeli – Oluen menetys
Lyöntipeli – Kaksi olutta