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Mental game

Etusivu Foorumit Kilpagolf & harjoittelu Mental game

Esillä 5 viestiä, 1 - 5 (kaikkiaan 5)
  • Julkaisija
  • Talven kuukausiksi vähän ajatusharjoittelua: In one study, Mayo Clinic researcher Debbie Crews used 41 electrodes per golfer to measure brain waves, muscle tension and heart rate. To raise the stakes, each golfer received a finger prick from a needle every time they missed a putt. She found that the best putters had a distinctive brain wave pattern. In the seconds leading up to the putt, the left side of their brains – which controls logical and analytical processing – was active. Then, just before the subject putted, the left side quieted and the right side – which controls spatial orientation, timing and balance – became more active. ’It’s this beautiful balance between the two hemispheres,’ she says. Chokers exhibited a different pattern – their left lobes never shut down, possibly obstructing the work of the right brain. Does your left brain never shut down in match play? If you are experiencing rigid and mechanical play and you are too tight under pressure, this could be the reason. You must learn to let go with your left brain mechanical side to access your right brain instinctive side. In other words, you must lose control to gain control!


    Kääntääks noi jäsenkorjaajat nyrjähtäneitä aivopuoliskoja paikalleen?

    Para mentaaliohje, jonka itse tunnen on

    Leave your brains home – play with the feel!

    En muista mistä leffasta, mutta ’be the ball’ on aika hyvä ohje!?

    Mä voisin sanoa jotta ’feel the swing!’

    Näin ne opettaa nois mental strength training ohjeissaki.

Esillä 5 viestiä, 1 - 5 (kaikkiaan 5)
Vastaa aiheeseen: Vastaus #253258 kohteessaMental game

Etusivu Foorumit Kilpagolf & harjoittelu Mental game