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International Forum Golf Challenge

Etusivu Foorumit Säännöt International Forum Golf Challenge

Esillä 8 viestiä, 126 - 133 (kaikkiaan 133)
  • Julkaisija
  • Hi dear friends,

    just five words: THANK YOU VERY MUCH INDEED!!!

    Finnish Team….what a wonderful world!!!!


    Aureliano Piccolo kirjoitti:
    Hi dear friends, just five words: THANK YOU VERY MUCH INDEED!!!
    Finnish Team….what a wonderful world!!!! regards aureliano

    Dear Aureliano Piccolo
    Finns are Finnish 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 RGDS

    #293579 Vastaa Ilmoita asiaton viesti

    Hi my dear friends….how are you???

    It’s a long time since I wrote you; unfortunately summer has already gone and this is a very busy time.
    I was thinking about GIFT 2008 and I miss you!!

    After GIFT 2008 we want to organize GIFT 2009 as the best way we can but…I NEED YOU!!!

    For GIFT 2009 golf course should be the same…game formula should be the same…date of event should be the same…the cost of the event should be the same…the question is: no changes??..the answer is….YES!!…because we HOPE to meet the same players next year adding more players and more countries!!

    Help us to get it!

    It is already time to get a preliminary count of participants for the GIFT 2009…only for understanding the future trend.

    Thanks you very much indeed


    PS: click on link to see something about GIFT 2008,-una-manifestazione-indimenticabile/

    #293580 Vastaa Ilmoita asiaton viesti

    Hi Aureliano,

    Minja started a thread on the same subject a day or two earlier (see above, green section). The plan seem to be in getting 2 teams for the next years competition, but so far only abstract discussions around the venue (and location)…

    Hi DEAR friends,

    How are you? Are you happy to see me again? YES???…ohhh…thank you…thank you very much indeed!! …eheheheh…ok…I INFORM YOU OFFICIALLY THAT GIFT 2009 HAS BEEN FINALIZED:

    23-24-25-26 JULY 2009 Golf Club Chervò San Vigilio (Pozzolengo -BS-)

    You’ll find any kind of informations clicking on FILL THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM and JOIN US!!

    You are kindly invited to discuss with us about the event and you can also leave your comments/requests following the link (you need to register at nextgolf forum).

    We are still working in order to define hotel/accomodation selection and I’ll post them as soon as possible. However you are welcome to find and book a hotel for your choosing.




    Mukana ollaan – ilmot on maksettu koko zydeemistä. Kotkan lisäksi on ts:n opetuslapset – Я-R-ladyt, kotkanpoikii ja vielä toi Fukken svingiteoria.

    Kohteessa koko viikko ja parin tunnin päässä kesähiihtoa jäätiköllä!?

    Hi dear friends…how are you? 🙂

    I post you the link of GIFT 2009 by facebook ( ) in order to get your contribution.

    Can I ask a favour to you? 😳 thanks 8>> …Could you spread the GIFT Facebook link to your finnish friends and first of all foreign friends??

    thank you very much for your support!


    Hi friends….updating:

    REGARDING THE ACCOMODATION: To book at the special nextgolf rate (Nextgolf Organization agreed a special hotel rate for a limited room number available for booking only until 28/02/2009) please follow this link


Esillä 8 viestiä, 126 - 133 (kaikkiaan 133)
Vastaa aiheeseen: International Forum Golf Challenge

Etusivu Foorumit Säännöt International Forum Golf Challenge