16.4.–23.4. - Live Scoring - Seuraa suomalaisten menestystä


EtusivuFoorumitKilpagolf & harjoitteluKuinka kehitän RR:ääRR:ää maailman huipulta GOLF Magazine Nov 2008

#229195 Ilmoita asiaton viesti

Sergio Garcia: How to Hit Pure Iron Shots

Focus on two fundamentals when I address the ball.
1) Arms hang loose,
2) I flex my knees so that my shoulders are in line with my hips and my knees are in line with the balls of my feet.
“A narrow stance helps you stay on top of the ball.”

I like to think of my left arm swinging up and through my right shoulder.
… In the practice tee, I’ll make sure my clubface remains square as I bring the club to the top.
… I’ll check my left wrist is flat or just slightly bent.
… When you’re square at the top, there is no need to get handsy at impact.

… What I focus on is keeping my left arm close to my chest as I swing the club down from the top. When your left arm gets too far from your body, the clubface tends to open and you’ll lose the shot to the right.
“Feel like your left arm is attached to your chest. It’s a simple move that keeps your clubface square and stops you from coming over the top.” (vrt. ts: “vasen käsi putoaa rinnan poikki”)

I swing hard, but I feel that I do a fairly good job of staying in control, and one thing that helps me do this is keeping my feet on the ground.
… My legs are flexed and moving, but they’re never flying out of control. I strive for a smooth transfer of weight from the heel of my right foot to the heel of my left foot through hitting zone.

As I strike the ball, my club ios moving at great rate of speed. I like to keep this speed going into my follow-through with a feeling that I’m letting the club go.
… I’ll check that my right wrist is flat and that there is just a slight bend in my left. That tells me I’m releasing the club down the line, chasing the ball as it makes its way toward the target.

Mitchell Spearman:
Sergio’s Lag Creation
…it starts in his takeaway when he stretches both arms as far as he can while making very little wrist hinge.
…his arc goes from very wide to very narrow… gives his trademark lag and sends his swing speed off the charts.

Oma tuumittelu oheisen tilaston valossa (Simulointi 15.10.)

Driveri (6 lyönnin keskiarvoja)
Total distance: 274 m (254 – 300)
Ball speed: 162 mph
Clubhead speed: 123 mph (max 125)
Tempo: 1.0
Swingpath: in to out (1 – 4°)
Clubface: Square – 4° open

Rennon tuntuisella terhakalla liikkeellä saa parhaat mailanpäännopeudet (124 – 125 mph).

Liian kovaa lyödessä sekvenssi hajoaa; kädet alkaa viedä ja lantio pysähtyy ennen osumaa, lapa kiinni ja hartiat sekä kädet pyöriikin yhtenä pakettina.
Tulos – raju quick-hook.

Espanjassa empiriaa viikolla:
Pisimmät ja suorimmat lyönnit lähtevät, kun dsw alkaa rauhallisella liikkeellä etujalkaa vasten ilman, että mitään pyörimistä tapahtuu. Sen jälkeen voi vyötärön räjäyttää kuinka nopeaan pyörähdykseen tahansa, kun huolehtii, että sen liike jatkuu osuma-alueen ohi ja kädet tulee bsw:n laelta alas rinnan poikki oikea käsi kämmen edellä osumasta läpi.